- History Comes Alive -
- Welcome
- Video (English)
- Video (Spanish)
- Flipgrid Response
- Written Response
- Project Ideas
The goal is for youth to interview family members, grandparents, guardians, and neighbors to learn about growing up in the past and provides an opportunity for the adults to learn more about growing up in today’s world. In the process, some very special friendships form between the generations.
Students have an opportunity to practice literacy skills along with video skills engaging in the practice of interviewing and story making. This project lends itself to a language arts curriculum along with history curriculum and is especially appropriate for an integrated approach.
Goals for the Practice:
For students:
- Make history come alive through learning about the past and who lived it
- Use 21st Century Teaching and Learning Skills: communicating, critical thinking, collaboration, technology skills, self direction, and local connections
- Develop skills in socializing with adults
- Dispel stereotypes about the older generation
- Appreciate contributions and values of another generation
- Connect with positive role models
- Design learning activities that support datacasting within the home
- Can support literacy skills: interviewing, writing, reflecting, and integrating technology in a fun and engaging way
For Adults:
- Participate in a meaningful volunteer activity
- Share valuable life experiences and pass something on to the next generation
- Learn about today’s youth
- Appreciate the contributions and values of another generation
You can view responses from others here. Your response will be shared with the community.
- Draw your family tree.
- Write an essay about your family’s history.
- Create a collage of old family photos.
- Research what was happening in the world when your great grandparents were young.